Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jaswant Singh Ordeal

BJB finally did it. As expected, it had to act and it did not disappoint all by expelling Jaswant for writing a Book. That brings about a question deep inside me - in case we are affiliated to any organisation are we not allowed to think on our own. I don't need an answer neither do i have one but that leaves with some question which has started haunting me.

Does one shows his loyalty by blindly following the path of organisation. I know that there were some common ground based on which one joins the organisation which can be either ideas, ambitions and goals. One of my Management professor had put it succinctly with a simile to the ways Algae survives. Algae consists of amoeba. Amoeba in search of food come together and form a a algae. When the optimal size of algae is reached, it takes the help of wind/water and other medium to reach to a position where they can find food. Similarly people make an organisation to satisfy some of their needs - ambition , goals etc. But is the organisation that binding enough that we are forced to change our basic thought process. Then it can be visually seen as an amoeba forcing its way out algae and the algae unable to reach it destination. So whose benefit is it do be out of the association. Probably both and hence the necessitates separation. Here the Algae (BJB) with their Hinduvta mindset made this decision to dissociate itself with one of its amoeba ( Jaswant) as they felt that it was detrimental to their longer run. No wonder the amoeba should be sulking.

Now putting the liberal hat, now the logic should be applied to the citizen of a democratic country. We should be devoid of any rights as exercising any right may lead to any conflict of the general charter of the country. Slowly it will evolve to a dictatorial democracy leading to ultimate dictatorship. Then there would not be any difference between a taliban chalking out Sharia and government rule. Hence, apt utilisation of our rights are an necessity to maintain a healthy democracy. Thought should not be suppressed and appropriately vented out. They cannot be.

Still debating whether BJB did the right thing or not. And i am not at all talking about the way they did as i don't have much information of it.

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