Saturday, October 27, 2012

First blog on SCN

My Colleague and Social Media Mentor, Mark Marcus asked me to start writing a blog and take part in the "Blog It forward" initiative. It is one of a innovative way to learn about the blogging process on SCN.

I am currently part of Value Engineering, Best Practice Center (India) and learning to leverage Social Media to reach out to my customers.

Here are the few questions he asked me to answer.

What was your Dream Job as a Kid ?

As a kid, I always wanted to be Magician. I was always fascinated by a magician named P C Sarkar and would never skip his shows whenever he performed in our town, Bhubaneswar. Then i came across P C (Personal Computers)and it was the great magician i would have even seen. It would solve complex problems within seconds. P C has shrunk over the time and has become graspable. Still I am amazed as during my childhood days about its capabilities.

What is your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place would be a river isle called Dhabelshwar, which is near to my home town. You have to cross a hanging bridge to reach the place. It has a calm and serene temple. The place is a lazy village with picturesque surrounding. The place is around 30 minute drive from my home town, Bhubaneswar. You can get more details and pictures about the place in one of my earlier personal blog.
hanging Bridge.JPG

What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?
The most fun project i was involved would be the launch of SAP Value Management Center. It was a good team camaraderie where each team member worked towards a specific objective of meeting the launch date target. There were many creative solutions to the various bottlenecks and it came from each and every team member. We started out as team members but ended the project as life long friends.

In keeping the BIF going, I am asking the following questions:
  1. What was your dream job as a kid?
  2. What is your favorite place in the world?
  3. What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

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